Number Fact App

Get a random fact for a number, year, date or a maths fact for a number!

Number fact: Loading...

Year fact: Loading...

Date fact: Loading...

Maths fact: Loading...

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While we were all staying in quarantine due to covid-19 😷, I created this little project.😎

It uses:

This is the very first time I am using bootstrap because I like to write my own css as it gives me a lot of flexibility as well as page loading times are way faster 😄.

About Me

I am a full stack developer currently pursuing B.Tech 👨‍🎓 from Invertis University🏫. I am passionate about programming👨‍💻 and always eager🤩 to learn new technologies. For now I'm learning 🤓 ReactJS and looking for jobs/internships in my domain.

Useful links

Thank You for visiting!😄